We may not get much joy in this life, but this garden themed posting certainly brings joy to some of us! Busy this and busy that, and before we know it so much time has passed, and perhaps the only thing that passes us more than the time is the miles we have traveled in that time. Old nature lover that I am, no matter where I find myself, deep in the country or running for my life in the concrete jungles (especially running for my life in the concrete jungles) I take heart whenever I see a flower or even just a single blade of grass break through the pavement and send the message to the world that life is here! I get the same such feeling whenever you release new music or post your thoughts here. Your music and your writing are as natural as the flowers, the grass, or any garden. I am forever thankful for the thoughts and perspectives you share like planting shoots and seeds that will germinate and take root in the sunlight and gardens in our minds to inspire us to keep on keeping on as best we can in this increasingly crazy world we call home. :) Peace & Love & Rooted Down Like An Oak But Swaying Like A Willow, Always!

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Nice, lots of water and feed for cucumbers, I use organic seaweed extract, (strong stuff), butternut squash would grow well in that spot and are easy. Keep smiling 👋 😊

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Maybe I will get a chance to see you at the Ryman

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The garden looks lovely! It's so good to see you happy and growing! Best of luck on the tour, can't wait to hear you perform again soon! 🧡🧡🧡

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